Welcome to KangTaeOh.net, your source for the talented actor korean actor, Kim Yoon-hwan, known professionally as Kang Tae-oh. We aim to provide the latest news, photos, and information to keep you up-to-date in what's going on in his career. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; don't hesitate to contact the webmistress. This site is 100% paparazzi-free and we respect Tae-oh's privacy.

Archive for the 'Endorsements' Category

June 19, 2024  •  Endorsements, Kang Tae Oh

A new promotional ads for Jung Kwan Jang’s Everytime V with Kang Tae-oh! Original Post: jungkwanjang.my.official

June 14, 2024  •  Behind The Scene, Endorsements, Kang Tae Oh

Here’s the filming and behind the scene footage of Tae-oh’s recent campaign ads for Jung Kwan Jang’s “Everytime”. Tae-oh was recently named as the brand’s spokeperson. Watch the full ads here.

June 4, 2024  •  Endorsements, Kang Tae Oh

Actor Kang Tae-oh has been selected as brand spokesperson for KGC’s ‘Everytime’ in Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore, and is now set to target the Asian market. The recently filmed advertisement video shows Kang Tae Oh, showed off his energetic energy in various scenarios such as going to work, being in the office, exercising, and watching […]